Tuesday, May 22, 2007

SRC President

Hey Agus,

As probably know the SRC president elections are on Monday... We noticed that you haven't applied for the SRC Presidency. Just wanted to let you know that we would like to see your name on the list because you would be able to represent a large part of the international community. If you are interested or have any questions please let us know as soon as possible.

Logan and Sissel
SRC President
Blue Mountains Hotel School


Wow, i was speechless and overwhelm when i red this. i feel EXIST in this UNI but i guess, in life we just have to keep it real, don't have to try to be "all THAT jazz" and actually people will see it..

Tips: "keep it real, simple and be YOU ~ the goods will come in time (patience is the KEY)"

xoxo Agus

Monday, May 07, 2007

Why we have to include me.....????

pertama kita temen terus loe mau lebih dari temen..... okeh.... abis itu apa..?????? loe tinggalin gue lagi kayak dulu... setlah itu gue dijadiin selingkuhan elo ama satu co..... okeh.... n tuh co juga dah punya ce.... bagus..... loe juga takut buat tinggalin kita ber2...apa lagi..... selingkuh gitu jadinya.... n loe trus tinggalin dia n bareng ama gue...... bagus but kaga lama lagi loe selingkuh ama tuh co... okeh bagus...... trus apa lagi.......????? loe put me into the black hole.... gue bener2 ngak ngerti mau loe apa..???? gue suka ama loe tapi jangan kayak gini.... kaya you use me you know...... gue males hati gue dah capek banget.... gue sayang banget ama loe... n skrang mau loe apa lagi.....???? gue capek deh kayak gini.... gue takut buat keputusan bego..... n gue kaga mau nyesel ntarnya..... stress......... gue rasa dia tau gue suka ama dia but dia kaga tau n ngak ngerti cinta gue buat dia.........