Been planning to for a few weeks to celebrate Christmas with friends, and finally had the chance to do it this year and its actually my first time with my Indo friends back in my country.. well indo friends but not really2 indo.. most of em are mix indo.. just like me.. **i wish** well i actually am, inside.. lol
this was the funnest n lite day to celebrate Christmas day.. found out the only people that were celebrating it was me n my boo.. it was nice to see friends that has different believe actually celebrating it with us.. **didnt know till we were there n being late** opppss thats hot..
talk about some old memories **ice skating** n all behind the scene drama n facts (love it).. i did say old memories but we are not that old btw.. ;) **FYI
its such a good time to bond, cuz we barely see each other now.. :( but i had a blast, was a short day but worthed..
love u guys.. thanx for the time n ideas to do it.. should do it every year, instead of just going out to the club.. **its so last year.. ugghhhh TMTH
xoxo Agus