Basically this blog is about "The Story of my LIFE". Hopefully all these little pieces of thoughts, experiences and memories of mine, can not only be experience by me but also can be shared to change people's life as well as mine to make us a BETTER person. And of course, us human we can only learned from experiences and sharing stories, so don't hesitated to share all your thoughts through here (Good, Neutral or Bad).
Monday, October 02, 2006
AFTER 10:30 AM.....
CELEBRATION TIME.......!!!!!!! *for finishing my exam of course*
& will celebrate again when i pass...:)
"there's always an excuse for a PARTY"
xoxo Agus
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Australia Cinta Produksi INDONESIA....

tiba2 perutnya mules n pengen boker..... HUASHUAShaushuahsuahsuhas..... tampa mikir panjang lebar langsung lari ke WC..... mata melihat kearah tissue roll, hampir setengah telanjang dan ternyata tissuenya abis... lari keluar WC ambil tissue di lemari atas kulkas..... langsung lari balik melanjutkan urusan yang sangat tidak bisa diganggu-gugat..... sambil buka tissue roll dari covernya(saking bosennya yah udah baca2 bungkus tissuenya itu...)
DAN TERNYATA....... udah jauh2 dari INDONESIA sekaloh ke AUSTRALIA, SYDNEY,NSW, BLUE MOUNTAIN+ LEURA jauh dari kota yang pasti 2 jam dari Sydney Central... (tarik napas..... HAH....!!!) TERNYATA tuh tissue produksi INDONESIA tepatnya di KARAWANG jawa barat.......
DASAR..... UDAH MAHAL2 SEKOLAH DISINI, BAYAR PAKE $DOLAR$ DAN TERNYATA TISSUE NYA BUATAN INDO LOH KATANYA (keki abissss......) kadang2 minta tissue aja susah disini ditanyain macem2 ama ibu2 housekeepingnya....... ternyata produksi indonesia juga..... gue bukannya kaga suka produksi indo cuman yg bikin gue keselnya gue bayar pake $DOLAR$ tetep aja produk INDONESIA......... gimana kaga kesel gue nya...... YAH AMPUNNNN......... Australia Cinta Produksi INDONESIA....
by the wAY busway..... beol gue jadi terganggu ama tissue rollnya.... dasar bule brengsek pangkat 2.......... abis boker gue ceboks n gue photoin deh bungkus nya biar jadi tanda bukti kalo gue kaga BOHONG..... HUASHUHAUHSUAHushasashayushuas,......
IDIOT ABIS.........
gimana temen2 just give me any comment you like bout this tissue roll.......
xoxo Agus
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
My True Feeling
But i just can't do it any longer it's about to burst....
Tired Of Not Being Me...."I Love Walking In The Rain Because No One Knows I'm Crying"
No one knows what's happen with me.... they're not in the shell but im...
"Every Tear Tells A Story"
I do cry, but no one know why... but i know...
"Will You Help Me Now That I Am DEAD?"
Of course they will know that i'm dead BUT they don't know why i die.....
xoxo Agus
Why can't u guys grow up and be MATURE…….
"remember try to fuck urself first before you fuck others!"
xoxo Agus
Taking advantages from other people are the best......

But that is just not me...... most of them just do that for the sake of them self.....
SURPRISE SURPRISE..... why am i not surpries......???? ohh yeah this is life.... i forgot that i'm in a world fill with CRAp..... (Dick face, Ass whole, Fake Boobs, Beocthes and even Mother fucker...) i don't really know what to say actually...... I've had my patience and now i'm sick of it..... No more of Mr Nice Guy.... Screw U......!!!!!! U will see the DARK SIDE of ME...!!!!!
"Respect me as i respect you" or "treat others how you want to be treated"
xoxo Agus