I do thing that you are "SPECIAL" to me too.....
you are
&*CRAZY *sometimes*
mostly a "good" boyfriend by far, YET....
And i hope we will last forever.....
THANK YOU for trusting me..... and i really trust you alot too...
im so happy that you do trust me...
*you said to me never cry in six years beside for your mom and nan but you cried for me... and that means alot for me....
* you told me that you never say i love you to all your boyfrriend but you said that to me.... WOW..... i cried when you said that to me....
I will never forget you easily...... you are more than "SPECIAL" to me......
this is my heart to you..... i love you for who you are... :)
xoxo Agus
1 comment:
U r SPECIALLY made by GOD, so no doubt U R SPECIAL.
Semua yg kamu lalui setiap hari akan memperkaya pengalaman hidupmu dan membuat kamu lebih ISTIMEWA lagi. Thank's God for all the joys. Selalu ingat berdoa setiap hari dan jangan sekali2 jauh dari Tuhan.... ingat U r SPECIAL and purposely made by God for His Glorious. Drive urself in His purpose.... GBU.
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