Monday, November 08, 2010

My newest lip sync video "Naturally - Selena Gomez"

one of my favorite tunes at the moment and i just have to do it...
what is ur favorite song atm?? write it down on the comment section below.. i might do ur song next time.. :)
(PG) mind my language at the end

Song: Naturally - Selena Gomez
No copyright infringement intended.

Enjoy and feel free to like, comment, add as friend or even subscribe.
Thanx For Watching! :)
xoxo Agus

Saturday, August 28, 2010

u gotta have faith..!!

My gay hairdresser by Paul Scanlon

Life teaches us that all too often the best things in life - its greatest breakthroughs, miracles and memories - seem to be deliberately placed just beyond our convenient reach. The greatest things in life are protected by just enough problems, set backs and inconveniences. This ensures that only those who really want to make a difference will be granted entry to where amazing things can happen.

My gay hairdresser
-paul scanlon

Recently on my day off I had my hair cut by a guys who doesn't normally do it. My usual hairdresser James was away so they offered me this other guy called Richard. After telling him how I liked it cutting, I relaxed and retreated into my newspaper. I didn't exactly have a 'please do disturb' sign on my life.
It's convenient keeping the same people in your life. After three years my regular hairdresser knows me. He knows a bit about my family, what I do etc, and I know the same about him. All that familiar ground makes it easy to just kind of catch up when he cuts my hair.
Richard, the new guy, asked me what seems to be the standard hairdresser question, 'what do you do?' This immediately made me feel uncomfortable and inconvenienced. You must understand that in England the 'C' word 'church' is like a dirty word. Statistics show that 98% of our population don't attend church and most of them seem 'anti' rather than 'pro' church.
To say I work at a church is usually an instant conversation killer, because it's a word that's totally irrelevant to most people. But I remembered my 15 Revolution commitment and told him I was the pastor of a church in the locality. He replied, 'Well that's interesting. I'm a Catholic and recently my parents invited me to their Catholic church'. He continued, 'I told them I couldn't go because, as they knew, the pope has just made a statement againt homosexuality and I am gay and my parents friends at church know I'm gay, so I didn't want to be an inconvenience.'
I realised whatever I said next was going to be important. He paused, then asked me, 'Do you welcome gay people at your church?' I paused, and almost without thinking the answer came from my spirit, then my brain caught up and realised that my answer was a flash of wisdom to help my own life. I said, 'No we don't welcome gay people, we just welcome people' (and by the way, a welcome doesn't mean that you endorse a person's lifestyle. Jesus welcomed all). He said 'What do you mean?' I said, 'Well we don't welcome categories of people, we don't have sections for homosexuals, straight etc, we just welcome everyone'. My point being that when Jesus died on the cross, he didn't spend the first hour for all the normal sinners, and then do the next twenty minutes for homosexuals, then the next ten minutes for prostitutes, then ten minutes for murderers and so on. He died once for all people! And yet we, the church, seem to categorise people according to lifestyles. To cut a long story short, I invited Richard to church, and the following Sunday evening he came. He was there for two reasons, firstly because I decided to be inconvenienced and secondly, I decided not to judge him. I learned a huge lesson that day, because I had been inviting James to church for three years, but he never came. The new guy was open to do something immediately that James hadn't been open to in three years. Often the least responsive people are the most time consuming, and the most responsive are the ones we ignore because it's too inconvenient to include them.


last 2 weeks ago, was at church sitting down for usual early mass, but my head n heart was just not there.. said to myself that im loosing my faith, just want people to accept me more in this environment or more, everywhere else in the world.. where is the equality?? Priest preached bout love but didn't see that happening to the LGBT community.. i can snobbishly said that it was just me there that can see people differently n accept them for who they are, even disables..

a friend of mine Sue, recently shared this amazing story to me through facebook.. after i red this, i begins to think, wow, this story actually keeps my faith in away, through a friend from God... felt that it helps me alot.. i guess one of my prayer was answered from God cuz after that church mass, i did pray so that i can never give up on Him, love n my faith towards anything...

Thanx Sue & Jesus :)

-Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

xoxo Agus

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy tears??? did you cry? (be honest)

i cried like a 3years old watching this, dont even think 3yo cried as much as me watching this... WOW..!!! happy tears.. :') basicly, i cried from 00:30 till finish... i am so weak, how bout you??did you get teary?? be honest now.. (comment it down below) it even give me a headache after... ugghhh.. but so glad i found this in fb/youtube...

xoxo Agus

Title: Soldier homecoming surprise mix

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Apollo goes Bollywood

Closing Party with my BFF (Beth) at Apollo, Jakarta.. This is my favorite club in Jakarta, uhhmm no actually my fav club in the entire Indonesia, cuz its like the only LGBT friendly club, after the other one was shut.. the best thing bout this club is actually the STRIPPER POLE!! LOL :) I love pole dancing, even though im suck at it.. Hahahahaha.. it was one a pleasant nite to just let loose n fun.. It actually might be one of our last night, before i leave Jakarta for work next month to Europe *fingerscross*.. while Beth in Jakarta working and maybe getting engaged and all that jazz.. hopefully the marriage will take place in Jakarta when i come back from my 10 month work contract..!! well thats what i hope happen, it would mean alot for me :) uggghhhh... anyway, love this pic alot... taken by one of my friend, Rhico that helps around the club..
i'm so gonna mis this place when im gone...!!

xoxo Agus

i want this Knickers..!!!

Ohh my gosh, after watching Lady Gaga's -Alejandro, i'm in love with her song, clips and most importantly the black high-waist undies that the male dancers wearing.. the brand 2Xist did come up with a brilliant idea n concept to it.. not only female that need a high-waist undies but men need it too...!! Especially people that have wings on their waist just like me or people usually call it FAT..!!!

Ughhh i need to get one or maybe a dozen, to help me shape up, this knickers actually hold your waist in 2 to 3 cm in, so you'll look slimmer :) will get these when i start travelling..!!

xoxo Agus

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Tweeted by Celebs on "EQUALITY"

Ricky Martin: "YEAHHHHH!!!!! #prop8 unconstitutional Moving Forward!!!!!!!!"

Paris Hilton: “What a huge historical day for equal rights in this country! They finally overturned Prop 8! There shouldn’t be a law on true love. :)”

Kelly Osbourne:
“So happy over the news on prop8 its about time!”

Lady Gaga: “At the moment’s notice of PROP 8 DEATH I instantly began to write music. BUBBLE DREAMS FOREVER! FULL EQUALITY! THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING!”

Arnold Schwarzenegger stated: “Today’s decision is by no means California’s first milestone, nor our last, on America’s road to equality and freedom for all people,”

Photos taken by: MMASM2


I'm so happy to hear this news and be part of a "Proud & Strong community", even though i am not from the States.... :) I believe that God created us EQUALLY and God LOVES you, no matter who you are. and i'm so Thankful with all the celebs & families and friends that are helping and willing to support the changes in this WORLD..!!

xoxo Agus

My Indonesian Joke..

Mr Tourist: "What's famous in your country, Indonesia?"

Abang Local: "of course alot sir... We've got Keong Racun (Poisonous Snail) better then Escargot & PeterPorn better then Peterpan.." :)

Mr Tourist: "where can i taste Keong Racun & Peterporn??"

Abang Local: (Crazy Bule)

xoxo Agus

Saturday, July 31, 2010


"Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we cannot eat money." -Indian Proverb

xoxo Agus

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Me by me

Photography: *self timer*
Edited: Agus Nugroho *me*

xoxo Agus

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pets Photography

"My Pups and I.."

Models: Ashley and her 10 newborn puppies
Photograph: Agus Nugroho

"I'd Rather Wear Fur Than Go Naked!"

Model: Kunyit
Photograph: Agus Nugroho

xoxo Agus

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Louis Vuitton boyfriend??

have you ever consider having a boyfriend that has Louis Vuitton tattooed all over his neck?? i wonder how much he'll cost?
What a smart idea, "buy 1 get 1 one" it's like buy a guy and you get LV for free or the other way around, whatever suits you. i would want to have him, with or without the LV. the truth is i still can live without LV but can't live without a hot guy.. :)

xoxo Agus

The World’s Rarest Coffee

“Kopi Luwak – the rarest beverage in the world. Take a whiff, go ahead…” said Jack Nicholson, playing his role as Edward Cole in the movie The Bucket List (2007).

‘Kopi’ is the Indonesian word for coffee, and ‘Luwak’, is a local Sumatran name for the civets, the cat-like animal that “processes” the coffee beans that are considered as one of the most expensive and rarest of coffees. The production of these extraordinary coffee beans originated in the islands of Indonesia including Sumatra, Bali, Java, and Sulawesi. Today, production and cultivation of Kopi Luwak beans extends to areas such as Vietnam, Thailand and other countries around Indonesia.

Read more on:

Written by: Anita Bong *my sister*

xoxo Agus

Monday, June 28, 2010

1st time visiting Police Station & Jail

I went to a Police Station today, to get a "Police Criminal Record". Was suppose to do it myself but was to scared to do it, so i ask my mom to come with me. :) cuz i do like to deal with Policeman in Indonesia. I've been to Police Station in Australia to accompany my friend to PCR, but they're nice Police. Here in Indonesia are a bit different, they look mean and got "CASH" written all over their faces, which mean "no cash = no help" & they look unprofessional. :S
Went in and ask for PCR and the police officers ask me to take off my lip ring & earring. So i ask "why?" but they said nothing. *WTF* i was annoyed, cuz i ask a question and have no answer, DISSAPOINTMENT!

I was glad it didn't take ages to get it done, cuz there's barely any people there apart from the policeman and prisoners. It was scary as hell, looks like movie. Scary, big mean guys.. Ewwww...

xoxo Agus

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Great Barrier Reef *Fantasea* 11.12.08

Seb, Me & Miriam having F.U.N on the boat...

Rait & Asko

Getting ready for the Helicopter Ride... :)


xoxo Agus

Friday, February 12, 2010

Music & Me are like BFF (Friday I'll Be Over U)

Spunky song, this had really challenged me to make a singing and dancing video... LOVE Allison Iraheta...
Ps: i dont owened this song but i do love this song... :)

Song: Allison Iraheta - Friday I'll Be Over You

My Tik Tok Video:

Enjoy and feel free to rate, comment, add as friend or even subscribe.
Thanx For Watching! :)

xoxo Agus